Five Step Recipe for Disaster in India


Five step recipe:

Why do they matter?

  1. Children are most susceptible to diseases from air pollution and water pollution.

  2. Without a well-functioning public school system, we can't create quality men to run the country. Nor the lives of poor will improve.

  3. Declining attention span - thanks to social media, attention span of children and people are reducing. The declining attention span in children reduces their learning capacity - to solve a hard math problem or to write a essay, you need to focus on the subject for long duration of time. This will create a generation of incapable people who can't do any useful work for themselves, the society and the country.

  4. When there is a lack of morals in people, violence, hatred, jealousy and all forms of vices in the population increases. The lack of moral emanates as honking drivers and garbage spawned in the roads, loudspeakers disturbing people in the neighborhood, damages to public properties etc. In a society where a person cannot be at peace, the country too cannot be at peace with itself. Without peace, progress does not happen.

  5. Common sense says that short-term solutions to long-term problems aggravates the problem more. Again, take the example of Indian roads - it is common to see digging newly laid roads to place an underground pipe multiple times for water connection, drainage etc. The harder but long-term solution is developing master plan for the city and developing infrastructure by forecasting future demands.

    Take climate change - hard problem which needs a collective strategy in multiple fronts - people moving to ecofriendly ways, government working in hand with people to increase forest cover and promoting sustainable solutions. But part-solutions encouraging electric vehicles without incentives to adopt them nor market infrastructure to use them don't work.

Thank You India .. oops Bharat for bringing out this post from me.