My Git Handbook
My git handbook covering some of the commands which I use every other day.
Ignore files only for you without using .gitignore - add the patterns to exclude in
file -
Get summary of stashes:
git stash list --stat
Checkout a branch from remote:
git pull <remote> <remote-branch-name>; git checkout -b <local-name> <remote>/<remote-branch-name>
. Ex:git checkout -b test upstream/test
Pull and rebase:
git pull upstream main --rebase
Git checkout a pull request from github:
git fetch upstream pull/$ID/head:$branchname
Git show files changed in commit:
git show commit-id --name-only
Git show files changed between commits:
git show commit-id1..commit-id2 --name-only
Get permalink from github cli: Ex:
gh browse --no-browser --commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
Git reset local to upstream:
git fetch upstream; git reset --hard upstream/main
Git view a file history:
git log --follow <filename>
Checkout changes from a file from a different branch:
git checkout myotherbranch <filename>
Delete a remote branch:
git push -d origin <branch-name>
Git rebase interactive example:
git rebase -i HEAD~5